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Quizz Top-Animals !

Vous devez répondre à 20 questions, chaque bonnes réponses vous octroie 5 points.
Ce qui vous donnera une note sur 100.

1) How tall is the tallest cat in the world, Sweetie ?

  1 meter 21

  1 meter 27

  1 meter 23

  1 meter 25

2) How much muscle is there in a cat's ear ?





3) How many breeds of cats are there in the world?





4) How high can a cat jump?

  3 times its own size

  6 times its own size

  4 times its own size

  5 times its own size

5) The can independently orient their ears in the direction they wish, over how many degrees is this rotation performed?

  190 degrees

  170 degrees

  160 degrees

  180 degrees

6) Maru is a very famous cat on YouTube, how many views does he have?

  325 million views

  225 million views

  425 million views

  125 million views

7) How many different meows can a cat have?





8) By being born all cats have ...

  green eyes

  blue eyes

  brown eyes

  red eyes

9) What is the longevity record held by Creme Puff who died in 2005 ?

  28 years

  38 years

  24 years

  34 years

10) In what year was the very first cat video made ?





11) What is the world record held by Himmy, an Austalian cat?

  The fall record with 2000 meters

  The jump record with 1 meter

  The record for weight with 21.3kg

  The speed record with 47 km / h

12) Approximately how long does a cat spend sleeping ?





13) How tall is Tinker Toy, the smallest cat in the world?

  19 cm

  21 cm

  17 cm

  23 cm

14) The domestication of cats dates back to ...

  9000 years

  11000 years

  10000 years

  8000 years

15) How many neurons are in a cat's brain?

  400 millions

  300 millions

  200 millions

  500 millions

16) Adult cats only meow to communicate with ...



  other species.


17) How many cats did Abraham Lincoln have when he was in the White House?





18) A master bequeathed all his fortune to his cat after his death. What is the amount of his fortune?

  15 million dollars

  13 million dollars

  14 million dollars

  16 million dollars

19) A cat has been elected mayor in Talkeetna, Alaska. How long did he hold the position?

  15 years

  20 years

  10 years

  5 years

20) The vision of cats is second to none, but how much is it?

  190 degrees

  200 degrees

  210 degrees

  180 degrees


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By Heicko - 2020 | 2021